Nordterm 2013

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The title of the next Nordterm conference, Nordterm 2013, is From basic work to maintenance – terminology work step by step. The conference will be held in Stockholm from 17–20 June 2013.

Call for papers

Terminology work can be divided into several steps. At the Nordterm conference 2013, we want to headlight four main steps: planning, execution, presentation and management of terminology work. Therefore, the conference is divided into four main groups that will be given half a day each.

We would like to see papers within these four main groups. Below, we give examples of aspects and questions that could be interesting and inspirational within each main group. We would especially like to see papers about planning and management, because activities that are executed during these steps generally do not get as much attention as activities during the other steps. Planning is important to the success of terminology work. The management aspect often gets left behind, is forgotten or lacks funding.

The conference will be held in Scandinavian languages.

1. PLANNING for terminology work

  • An inventory of arguments: why should you do terminology work?
  • Terminology’s place in more recent working processes (e.g. “lean” or “kaizen”)
  • The participants’ competence in a terminology project

2. EXECUTION of the terminology work

  • Concept analysis – how can it be realized?
  • Terminology as a tool for modeling
  • Technological aids that can support and render the workt
  • Organizational models: work flows, roles and responsibilities

3. PRESENTATION of the results of terminology work

  • Termbanks, glossaries, social media and other distribution channels
  • Presentation of terminology in the form of ontologies, classifications etc.
  • User adaptation

4. MANAGEMENT of the results of the terminology work

  • Organization and funding
  • Methods for measuring, follow-up, evaluation and updating
  • How can the result be known and used (through marketing, confidence-building)?

Nordterm 2013 especially targets terminologists and those interested in terminology, those responsible for language use at authorities and companies, language consultants and linguistics, translators and interpreters, technical communicators, librarians, informatics, special-area journalists, systems and enterprise architects, researchers and students.

Practical information

  • The papers are scheduled for 25 minutes during Nordterm 2013.

  • Abstracts for your paper
    • should consist of about half a page (1,500 characters)
    • shall be written in a Nordic language (Finnish and Icelandic abstracts, however, should also have a version in Danish, Norwegian or Swedish)
    • should also include suggestions of key words, suggestions of an appropriate main group and possible source references.

  • Complete the abstract with the following details (in the same file):
    • The name of the lecturer (and possible co-author)
    • The name of the organization, institution or company
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • E-mail address
    • Short presentation of your background and your area of practice (140 characters at the most)

  • The abstract should be sent in Word or pdf format. Name your file according to the following model: SURNAME_abstract_Nordterm2013.doc/pdf.

  • Submit the file by March 1, 2013 to the following address: Write “Abstract for Nordterm 2013” in the subject line.

  • We will let you know by March 15, 2013 if your paper will be part of the program.

  • The papers will be published and we will therefore ask the lecturers to send us their articles during fall 2013.

We hope for a large amount of interesting papers!

Terminologicentrum TNC