Nordterm 2011

From Nordterm

The Nordic cooperation forum Nordterm organizes an assembly every second year. The next assembly will be held on 7—10 June 2011 in Vaasa, Finland. The main theme of the conference is Samarbetet ger resultat: från begreppskaos till överenskomna termer (Cooperation gives results: from concept chaos to term recommendations).

The Nordterm Assembly focuses on the principles and practical applications of terminology work and ontology work. In systematic terminology work the cooperation between special field experts and terminologists is an essential factor influencing quality, and the new application areas of concept analysis, like ontologies and terminology work for information systems, bring together different professionals from various fields.

NORDTERM 2011 is organized by:

  • The Finnish Terminology Centre TSK
  • University of Vaasa

NORDTERM 2011 is supported by:

  • Nordplus Språk
  • Svenska kulturfonden
  • Nordisk kulturfond