Terminology work
The following links have some Nordic connection. If you want to find more similar sources, search in Terminology Forum by Anita Nuopponen.
- CNet
- Connexor
- Interverbum Technology
- i-Term Suite
- Kielikone Oy
- Lingsoft
- MultiTerm
- Nordic Terminological Record Format (NTRF). Rådet for teknisk terminologi. 1999-02-09.
- TERMplus
- Bucher, Anna-Lena (Terminfo 3/2016): Nordterm 40 år
- Jolkkonen, Lena (Terminfo 2/1998): Nordterm-Net – nordiska termbankstjänster på webben
- Nuopponen, Anita (1996): Terminological Information and Activities in the World Wide Web. A presentation held at TKE '96.
- Nuopponen, Anita (1997): Att integrera terminologilära i olika utbildningsprogram. University of Vaasa.
- Kielikello. A journal of language planning in Finland. Publisher the Institute for the Languages of Finland.
- Kieliviesti. A periodical published by the Institute for Language and Folklore (Isof).
- Nyt fra Sprognævnet. A periodical published by Dansk Sprognævn.
- Språkbruk. Publisher the Institute for the Languages of Finland, the Swedish department (Finland).
- Språktidningen.
- Språkvård. Publisher the Institute for Language and Folklore (Isof). The periodical was terminated in 2007.
- Terminfo. A newsletter published two times a year. Publisher the Finnish Terminology Centre.