Terminology work
From Nordterm Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe following links have some Nordic connection. If you want to find more similar sources, search in Terminology Forum by Anita Nuopponen.
* CNet * Connexor * i-Term * Lingsoft * Nordic Terminological Record Format (NTRF). Rådet for teknisk terminologi. 1999-04-28. * Kielikone * Mogul * Interverbum Technology * TERMplus * MultiTerm
* Arppe, Antti (1995). Term Extraction from Unrestricted Text. A presentation held at NODALIDA-95, Helsinki. * Fortelius, Robin — Orlander, Marit: Boken utan band. Terminologi kring datorer, bibliotek och nya medier * Jolkkonen, Lena (Terminfo 2/98): Nordterm-Net — nordiska termbanktjänster på webben * Nuopponen, Anita (1997): Att integrera terminologilära i olika utbildningsprogram. University of Vaasa. * Nuopponen, Anita (1996): Terminological Information and Activities in the World Wide Web. A presentation held at TKE '96.
* Kielikello. A journal of language planning in Finland. Publisher the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland. * Kieliviesti. A periodical published by theLanguage Council of Sweden (former Ruotsinsuomalainen kielilautakunta). * Nyt fra Sprognævnet. A periodical published by Dansk Sprognævn. * Språkbruk. Publisher Svenska språkbyrån (Finland). * Språkvård. Publisher the Language Council of Sweden. The periodical was terminated in 2007. * Språktidningen. * Terminfo. A newsletter published four times a year. Publisher the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK.